We wish Nola and Binx a wonderful life with their new amazing family!
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![]() Hello! Our names are Bonnie and Nola and we are best friend kitties approximately 7-8 months of age. I, Bonnie, was found in a backyard of one of Kitty Junction’s vets. He called us to see if we could help her as he didn’t want to have to release her back outside with winter coming. My best friend Nola was born to a trap savvy feral kitty living behind an auto shop in Jamison. The kind shop owner feeds our mom and also catches all of us kittens to get us fixed so we can find safe loving homes indoors. We became great friends while in our foster home together. I am a very shy girl and Nola is a very outgoing girl so she helps me to feel more secure:) ![]() Kitty Junction is just over-the-moon happy to say that these beautiful girls have found their furever home together! With Bonnie being so, so shy we were worried that she may never find a family that would be willing to be patient for her to warm up and so when we received the application for her and Nola we could not have been more excited for them! Thank you so much Valerie and family for visiting the MeWow Cat Café and wanting to give Bonnie and Nola a loving home with you all!! Bonnie’s new name is now Binx and Valerie says they are settling in so well!! In addition to new mommy Valerie and new daddy Leonard, they also have two human sister Bree and Kaci who absolutely adore them and also a very cat-friendly doggy brother Buddy too! Nola acclimated immediately and has been super friendly and affectionate with everyone! Binx likes to sleep with her tongue out or stick it out in general. It’s the cutest thing! She believes they are very happy and we would say so judging by their pictures! Binx even lets her know now when she wants her wet food. She comes over to her and meows She also comes out of their kitty room if she calls her too. She’s come a long way in just a few short weeks. They still have their work cut out for them in building a trust with her but they love them so much and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them! We wish Nola and Binx a wonderful life with their new amazing family!
![]() Hi friends! Our names are Stache and Lucas and we are beautiful tuxedo boys approximately 1 year of age. I, Stache, sadly had to be surrendered when my owner’s landlord sold the building with no advanced notice in order for her to save up the money she needed for rent, security and pet deposits for a new place where she could bring me with her. Our foster mom calls me a gentle giant as I am a big boy who is super sweet, affectionate and very laid-back. My bestie Lucas was found as a stray in NE Phila by a local trapper who said he ran right up to him to say hello. Our foster mom calls him a wild child as he is super energetic, mischievous and a bit rough around the edges. Despite the odds of being polar opposites in personality we became the best of friends while in foster together. ![]() It is SO heartwarming to know that these amazing kitties will be able to continue their friendship in their new furever home together!! Thank you so much Emily, Scott, Ashley and Joanne for taking our advice in meeting Stache and Lucas at the MeWow Cat Café and seeing firsthand how special they and their bond is and for applying to adopt them together!! As you can see in their pictures Stache and Lucas still like to sleep together usually in Ashley or Joanne’s bed and they still love to wrestle as only boys will do:) Stache is still super chill and laid back and Lucas, well let’s just say Lucas is still Lucas. The family has had to make some changes in their kitchen to keep Lucas out of foods he shouldn’t be interested in but they still love him all the same! They have a beautiful bay window with beds in it to be able to watch life go by outdoors and still love playing with their favorite toy the laser light! We wish Stache and Lucas an amazing life with their new family!! ![]() Hi everyone! Our names are Chile and Pepper and we are gorgeous buff tabby brothers approximately six months of age. We, along with our two other siblings, were living in a backyard in Chalfont. Our mom had left leaving us behind but thankfully the homeowners were kind and feeding us. They wanted a better life for us though so they called Kitty Junction for help. We both had upper respiratory infections and eye infections but with the help of our foster mom giving us medication we were feeling better in just a few weeks. ![]() Chile and Pepper hit the jackpot when they found their new forever home with Nancy and Joe! Shortly after their adoption, Nancy noticed that Pepper was having some mouth issues affecting his eating and called us right away. We were able to have him seen by our vet who diagnosed him with a rare condition with his salivary gland. He had a cavity in his subcutaneous tissue underneath his tongue that was filling up and not draining. It literally forced his tongue to one side preventing him from being able to eat. Thankfully we were able to use our donations from the Betty White challenge to have our vet perform the surgery he needed to drain the cavity and install a permanent draining hole within the cavity to prevent it from happening again. Thank you so much Nancy and Joe for loving these boys unconditionally and for your understanding and patience throughout Pepper’s unexpected diagnosis! They have renamed them George and Fred after one of their favorite tv shows and say that they love them so much They are adorable, lovable and so sweet! They sleep with them at night and one of their favorite past times is watching the wildlife out their big back sliding glass doors:) As you can see from their pictures, Fred and George are so happy in their new home together and what a difference between their “before” and “after” pictures! ![]() Hi everyone! Our names are Stanley and Jewel and we are a super sweet brother/sister pair of kittens approximately six months of age. We, along with our two other siblings, were living in a backyard in Chalfont. Our mom had left leaving us behind but thankfully the homeowners were kind and feeding us. They wanted a better life for us though so they called Kitty Junction for help. We both had upper respiratory infections and eye infections but with the help of our foster mom giving us medication we were feeling better in just a few weeks. ![]() One look at their pictures and you can see just how happy these precious babies are in their new furever home! Thank you so much Wendy and Jim for visiting the MeWow Cat Café and falling in love with Stanley and Jewel!! Stanley’s new name is Samson and despite his initial shyness, he is starting to feel very comfortable especially having his sister there. He follows her lead and wants to do everything she does:) Jewel is very outgoing and loves to be pet and will even roll over for belly rubs! They both LOVE their cat tree which right by a wall of windows and doors where they happily watch the squirrels and the birds We wish Samson and Jewel the very best life with their new mommy and daddy!! ![]() Greetings! My name is Juliette and I am a stunning torti kitten approximately 4-5 months of age. Myself and my two brothers were turned into a local clinic for TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return). The volunteers at the clinic saw real potential in us of being adoptable so they reached out to Kitty Junction for help in finding us loving homes indoors. ![]() We are ecstatic to say that Juliette is loving life with her new furever family!! Thank you so much Jamie and family for visiting the MeWow Cat Café and falling in love with our little Juliette!! Jamie was thinking their existing kitty Sabene could use a kitty friend and after a little bit of time for adjustment found she was right! The family has renamed her Pepper and as you can see from their pictures she is the spitting image of Sabene just in a smaller package:) She loves hanging out with her new older kitty sister and playing with her human siblings Julia and Jamison! She also has tons of big windows to watch the wildlife out of including a beautiful screened in porch! We wish Pepper a wonderful life with her new furever family! ![]() Hello! My name is Handsome a fitting name for me if I do say so myself I am a beautiful all black little panther approximately 6 months of age. I, along with my two brothers, was originally rescued by a kind woman who was keeping us safe in a room in her garage. She reached out to Kitty Junction for help in finding us loving, indoor homes. ![]() We are SO very excited to say that not only did Handsome find his furever home but that he found it along with his kitty friend Laura! Thank you so much Irene and Body for visiting the MeWow Cat Café in your search for some furbabies and falling in love with Handsome! They additionally loved Laura who was also there with a different rescue so it was awesome when they applied to adopt both of them together so that could each have a kitty friend! Handsome, being a shyer kitty, took some time to become comfortable but it definitely helped that he could follow Laura’s lead as she is very outgoing:) They are having so much fun exploring their new home as you can see in their pictures and they love playing with their new parents! We wish Handsome and Laura a very happy life with Irene and Body! ![]() Hi friends! Our names are Cuddles and Grayson and we are a super cute pair of brother kittens approximately 4-5 months of age. We along with our sister were turned into a local clinic for TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return). The volunteers at the clinic saw real potential in us of being adoptable to they reached out to Kitty Junction for help in finding us homes. ![]() What a transformation from once shy kittens to outgoing, happy and affectionate little guys! Thank you so much Alison and Jeff for meeting Cuddles and Grayson at the MeWow Cat Café and wanting to add them to your wonderful family!! The family has renamed them Chef and Louie and say they are doing amazing! They are still very bonded and love to sleep together in their cat tree or window hammock At least 4 times a day they have full out WWE wrestling bouts Their favorite toys are the laser light and little mice which eventually find their way under furniture but thankfully their family has plenty in stock! Alison says they are definitely happy and well loved and entertained with all of their toys. Their biggest toy is Jeff who also likes playing peek-a-boo with them as you can see in the one picture lol! We wish Chef and Louie an amazing life with their new furever family! ![]() Hi everyone! Our names are Spitfire and Marvin and we are beautiful brother kittens approximately 5 months of age. We along with another brother were originally rescued by a kind woman who was keeping us safe in a room in her garage. She reached out to Kitty Junction for help in finding us loving, indoor homes. ![]() How relaxed and happy do these beautiful boys look in their new furever home! Thank you so much Kelley for meeting Spitfire and Marvin at the MeWow Cat Café and adopting both of them together!! They have renamed just Marvin to Bruno and say they are just happy little boys! They wake Kelley’s husband up every morning who thinks they are just the coolest kittens Bruno loves to be carried around and Spitfire will happily climb on their shoulders! They both love belly rubs and are doing great with their two young human sisters Fern and Vera:) Their favorite toys are the kick toys and the family gets such a kick watching them when they get the zoomies! We wish Spitfire and Bruno a happy life with their new furever family! ![]() Hi! Our names are Ivy and Maple and we are a beautiful brother/sister bonded pair approximately ten months of age. We were originally adopted from Kitty Junction as young kittens (formerly Oscar & Molly) in June of last year. Sadly the rescue received the call a few days before Christmas saying that we were going to have to be returned due to a family member’s severe allergies. ![]() As fate would have it, a wonderful family reached out to us the same day in search of a bonded pair of kitties who would be great with kids. Fate works in mysterious ways as Ivy and Maple’s original family had three children similar in age to this wonderful family We set up a meeting and now have the utmost pleasure in saying that Ivy and Maple have found their new furever home with Cathleen and Matt and their two adorable children! As you can see from their pictures, Maple and Ivy settled right in and are wonderful with the kids:) The family says Ivy and Maple are already part of our family and so loved! There is a video in the comments of Ivy purring and happily making biscuits! ![]() Hi everyone! Our names are Leo and Liam and we are very bonded brother kitties approximately 5 years of age. We were previously adopted from Kitty Junction in January of 2017 as shyer kittens. Our family at the time had a quiet home where we really started to blossom. Unfortunately things changed and a dog and baby came along combined with major loud and scary sounding renovations being done on the condo next door. It all took a toll on us especially Liam as he developed crystals which made urination very painful and was sometimes accompanied by blood. Despite trying some things to help with their stress levels, it was ultimately decided they needed a quieter environment. Leo and Liam’s grandmother Jane graciously offered to temporarily foster them for us as adult cat foster homes are hard to find. It was not sadly a permanent fix as they only had access to a bedroom and bathroom due to other kitties in the home. ![]() Again fate works in mysterious but wonderful ways sometimes! Shortly after having posted Liam and Leo needing a new home, Terry and his wife Karen reached out to us inquiring about them. They had recently lost their kitty sadly and were thinking about possibly opening their home and hearts to two kitties in need. Their previously kitty was a very big kitty similar to Leo and Liam who are also on the larger side at 14 and 15lbs. Their home was quiet with no young children or other animals which sounded perfect for Leo and Liam. We organized a meet and greet and knew immediately when Liam who is painfully shy around strangers came right over and rubbed up against them that it was the purrfect match. Thankfully Terry and Karen felt the same way and so we are SO extremely happy to say that Leo and Liam are doing fantastic in their new furever home!! As you can see from their pictures, Liam has bonded with their son Sean and loves to hang out with him Leo loves joining Terry and Karen in bed at night for some pets and then often can be heard racing around with Leo downstairs having a blast! They also love being able to watch the world outside their front door! ![]() Hi everyone! My name is Sweet Pea and I am a stunning and very sweet female black kitty approximately 1 year of age. I found myself on the shoulder of the Turnpike between the 309 and 476 exits during morning rush hour traffic I was desperately trying to climb the tall wall to get away from all of the cars. As fate would have it, a foster mom from Kitty Junction was on her way to work and saw me. She immediately pulled over to the shoulder, climbed out her passenger door and slowly approached me. She said she didn’t know who was more terrified me or her. It was so loud and so windy from all the cars whizzing by us at 60-70 mph. She held out her hand and talked to me softly and calmly telling me everything was going to be ok. She said later she had no idea how it was going to go because she had no idea if I was friendly or feral. Once I let her pet my head she hoped for the best. She scooped me up, wrapped me in her arms tightly against her chest and made her way back to her car. Once there we both took some time to decompress and catch our breath and then she took me back to her home where I was found to be extremely sweet and friendly. The following day I saw the vet and they found that sadly I was not microchipped nor spayed. Despite my ordeal, I was extremely lucky in that I only had some minor abrasions on my paws from trying to climb the concrete wall. No one reported me lost or called the SPCA looking for me so Kitty Junction had me spayed, vaccinated and microchipped to give me a chance at finding a loving furever home indoors. ![]() Kitty Junction could not any happier for this precious girl as she found her new furever mommy in no time at all! Thank you so much Barbara for reaching out to us in your search for a new kitty companion and taking our recommendation in meeting Sweet Pea! Barbara is the one that has given her her name and we think it couldn’t be more perfectly suited for her:) She has settled in amazingly well and enjoys following Barbara around her home. She especially loves looking out her big back windows at the wildlife outside. She is constantly being spoiled with new toys and beds but one of her favorite spots to be is in a chair by Barbara’s bed that she has claimed for herself! We wish Sweet Pea the most amazing life with Barbara! |
November 2024
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