Hi! My name is Violet and I am an adorable little calico approximately 5 months of age. My mom was a cat struggling to survive to survive in a feral cat colony located in Quakertown. Myself and my siblings were rescued and brought into the safety of a local rescue where we could hopefully find safe, loving homes.

Kitty Junction is THRILLED to say that Violet has found her new forever family that just adores her! Thank you so much Karen for seeing Violet at the Doylestown Pet Valu and falling in love with her!! In addition to new mommy Karen and new daddy Carl, Violet has two human brothers Timothy and Christopher and also two kitty sisters in Emmy and Cleo! The family has renamed her Olive and says that Olive is super happy and made herself right at home:) Karen says she is her little sidekick and is always by her side. She loves playing with her toys and LOVES to eat her canned food!